Friday, May 4, 2007

Lindsay Ashford's REAL name.

Who is the real Lindsay Ashford?

Is it AP, Amator Puellularum, Bereshith, Zanthalon, Lindsay Ashford? Or is it perhaps David Alway?

David Alway
, attended RCS from first to eleventh grade, and then graduated from Mt. Eden High School in San Francisco in 1986. He changed his name to Lindsay Ashford in 1989, and gave the following reason to his alumni class: "I needed to 'find myself', and that was one of the things I felt I needed to do in order to do so...Actually, the name is Scottish (even though I haven't an ounce of Scottish blood as far as I know, but since I was adopted, I guess I'll never know...)....But as the Bard said, 'What's in a name...?'". He had lived in Prague, Czech Republic, from 1992, where he claimed he was a partner in a small telecommunications consultancy until it was closed due to the failing market. He then left the Czech Republic, leaving in May 2003 for Milan, Italy and at some point returning to America which he refers to as the "Evil Empire" before scurrying south to Central and South America where he heard little girls were easier picking.

David Alway AKA Lindsay Ashford is a pedophile, and an activist for pedophiles. He believes that children as young as 6 months old can consent to sexual activity. Further he believes that children who are exploited by adults don't suffer any ill effects from such a thing. Actually he states that any damage that does occur, only happens because parents, in his words, "go ballistic"

Lindsay likes for all eyes to be upon him. He likes to be the center of attention. He has a website called Sugar and Spice that's just for little girls. Check it out.... his attempts to rip little girls away from their parents, his attempt to destroy any trust they may have in another, his attempt to send them into battle to carry out his own personal pervert war. Read his memorial page 'Taken from our Midst' about little girls missing, raped or murdered by pedophiles. Watch him as he mocks society, and flaunts his perversions damanding that society allow him the space to spread his lies and deceits. The way he twists scientific date to give the appearance that he is 'OK' and every other person in the world besides pedophiles are screwed up. Notice especially how he denies the existence of child pornography!

Who is the real Lindsay Ashford? A man just like other men but with a different opinion? No, no the man we're talking about here...... he's stalking your children and his name is David Alway